Welcome Them Home is simple. http://www.welcomethemhome.org
It is a network of photographers who donate their time and skills to soldiers and their families as a thank you for the sacrifices that are being made for our country. Each photographer in the network has agreed to photograph your soldiers homecoming, free of charge.
All you have to do is contact the photographer in the area that you live in and work with them to set up the timing for your homecoming event. Every photographer is different and what they offer you may vary from photographer to photographer. At a minimum, you will receive at least 30 minutes of photography for the moment of homecoming and one 8x10 print. Contact your specific photographer about more details since they will all be a little different. The photographers do NOT have to accept every homecoming that they are approached about. We want them to accept homecomings because only when they are available and are comfortable with the travel and requests.
With all the above being said we're super excited to be a Welcome Them Home Photographer. We gladly support our military and their families. Both my husband and I come from families where our immediate family serve our great nation.
Blessings to you~